Affordability means people can access health care while still being able to cover routine expenses.
Approximately 18% of Connecticut households with working adults had health care costs that exceeded their ability to afford basic needs. Black, Latino, and low-income adults are disproportionately affected by higher health care costs and face more hurdles to meet basic needs.
Across the United States, Black and Latino/a households are more likely to experience medical debt and avoid health care due to cost. As Connecticut’s health insurance programs grow more complex, confusion about costs and coverage are likely to exacerbate this trend.
To promote equity through affordability, Health Equity Solutions recommends:
- Funding community-based, community health workers, health care navigators, and/or trusted messengers to ensure people know which insurance programs they may be eligible for, what is covered by their insurance, and how to access health care and social services
- Creating a single enrollment process for HUSKY and other social services
- Streamlining enrollment and renewal by simplifying applications and expanding automatic renewal/reenrollment
- Expanding access to public health insurance and health insurance subsidies for premiums and other out-of-pocket costs, including creating affordable health care options for all immigrants
- Ensuring covered benefits are comprehensive and that provider networks (including oral and behavioral health) are adequate
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