The first full week of April is now recognized in statute as Health Equity Week! This week annually reaffirms Connecticut’s commitment to eliminating inequities in health and ensuring all residents have the opportunity to achieve optimal health.
This year, HES will focus our Health Equity Week efforts on the health equity impact of Connecticut’s lay health workers. A “lay health worker” is anyone providing non-clinical health services like a community health worker, doula, or peer support specialist.
Check out the lineup of events:
Please join the State Comptroller Sean Scanlon and guests for a press conference on Monday, April 3rd at 10:00 am to kick off Health Equity Week.
WHAT: Health Equity Week Tour and Presser
WHEN: 10:00 am Tour of the Facility; 10:30 am Press Conference
WHERE: Charter Oak Health Center – 21 Grand Street, Hartford 06106
Health Equity 101 Training Monday, April 3 from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
- An interactive workshop on what health equity is, how to be an advocate, and when to advocate. Learn how you can tell your story in a way that persuades policymakers to make decisions that support health equity & hear from our very own Training Team!
- Registration https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpcu-rqTkuHtSq34B8-TC5OseALBUs9RFp
- Join the Health Equity for the People by the People Coalition to gain a better understanding of how to access HUSKY health, financial assistance programs, and the impacts of medical debt.
- Los participantes obtendrán una mejor comprensión de cómo acceder a Husky, programas de asistencia financiera y los impactos de la deuda médica.
- Registration/La Inscripción: https://tinyurl.com/yswznba9
Community Health Worker Lobby Day Thursday, April 6, between 9 am – 2:30 PM
- Join HES and the Community Health Workers Association of CT at the Legislative Office Building on Thursday, April 6th for a day of advocacy! Let’s come together to urge policymakers to act on Medicaid reimbursement for community health workers. Food and activities will be available and we will wrap things up with a celebration of CHWs in CT! Click here to view the agenda!
Other events happening throughout the week!
- Join CT Health on Thursday, April 6 from 3:00 to 4:30 to learn about what’s going on with enrollment for undocumented children (ages 12 and under) and the unwinding of continuous Medicaid coverage in Connecticut. This session is an opportunity for current trusted messenger grantees and people interested in being a community resource on recent coverage changes.
- Join the Connecticut Oral Health Initiative (COHI) on March 30 (Hartford), April 13 (Bridgeport), and April 27 (New Haven) throughout the state for a Free Community Event to Improve Oral Health! Learn how to prevent cavities and gum disease, access dental services, and advocate for better oral health care for all. Email info@ctoralhealth.org for more details and to RSVP.
In the Media:
- Robyn Anderson, et al: CT must address the issue of medical debt, Hartford Courant
- Lawmakers Mull Medicaid Funding for Community Health Workers, CT NEWS JUNKIE
- In-depth presentation shines light on health equity, By Cris Villalonga-Vivoni , Record-Journal staff
- Check out Connecticut’s Path to Equity to see the policies CT can take to achieve health equity in Connecticut.
- What is a community health worker? What is a doula?
- What are other states doing around Medicaid reimbursement for CHWs?
- Community health workers & Medicaid reimbursement across the U.S.
More ways to get involved:
- Follow the hashtags #HEW23 #HealthEquityWeek & us on social media! Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
- LOB Poster Display: Meet community health workers in Connecticut! Check out the concourse display between the Legislative Office Building and the state Capitol all week
- Planning an event? Let us know and we’ll add it to the list above
Thank you to our sponsors:
- CARE Community Alliance for Research & Engagement
- Connecticut Health Foundation
- Equity Research and Innovation Center (ERIC)
- Leading Culture Solutions
- Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut